This weekend we were busy little bees!! We spent a lot of time with family and friends and got some things done around the house!
Saturday we went to Nate's 4th Birthday party! It was a truck theme and Kinsey got her own truck!! He had a bounce house, so when all of the kiddos were inside doing cake and presents, Daddy took her outside to jump around a little! To say she liked it, is an understatement!! She LOVED it!! They didn't get to stay long because the little ones came running as soon as they could, but I'm glad she got to experience it! On our way home, we stopped and saw MamMaw, Nana and Papa. She got to play MamMaw's Organ and had a blast. Then Daddy gave us a little treat and played a song or two! After Kinsey took a two hour nap (which hasn't happened since she was 2 months old) we went to Gama's house and swam with our cousin Kenna! I am so glad she loves the water! Our Daddy surprised us and got off work early, so we went and met him at our favorite place, BJ's!! :)
She looks so big here!!
Bouncing with Daddy!
Playing the Organ!
"Oh wait, there are keys up here?"
Swimming with Gama!
Sitting by herself outside! :)
We loved our surprise Daddy!
On Sunday Kinsey had a bad belly ache. She spent the morning sleeping, while the Hubs and I cleaned the bathroom. It was nice to have some help! She's been so needy lately with her teeth and her shots, and now her tummy. I love getting to cuddle her because I know one day she won't let me, but I have been getting nothing done! He was a great help today while I was taking care of her and getting some of my school stuff taken care of! Her Aunt Ashley came over today and had "Linner" with us. They got to play while I made our food. Later this evening we went to Target to get some stuff for my Scentsy event this week. She has been having a hard time going to sleep lately, so she is awake as I type this... (little stinker).
Not feeling good!
Hmm.. Which toy do I play with?
This is how you are supposed to sit in it mom! (no matter how many times I sat her back up, she laid like this, so I just let her)
This week she will spend time with tons of family while I work my Scentsy event! Her dad is getting some one on one time with her, which is great!
Kinsey's love and mine,
Did you get her a PAZZOKIE?!? yum.