Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Best Friends and Sisters

I am a firm believer that God puts people in our lives for a reason. Two people don't cross paths on accident, God has a plan for those people. After rushing Kappa Alpha Theta, I instantly connected with Katie. She was such a passionate person and was always putting others before her self. We spent all of our time together and practically lived together. We lost touch a bit while she finished her Senior year and I was swamped with my student teaching, but God had a plan. Not only did we get married 1 week apart, but we were pregnant at the same time. We were scheduled to have our babies at opposite ends of the month of January in 2012. They decided to come almost 12 hours apart from each other, Annie was 1 week late on January 16, 2012 @ 10:19pm and Kinsey was 1 week early on January 17, 2012 @ 10:17am. Katie and I spent the following year texting at 3am, sharing our daughters milestones and giving each other advice. I knew then why God brought Katie and I together; to Survive Motherhood!! :) We live about 4 hours apart and are both super busy, but try and take turns visiting the other with our tiny tots in tow. 

This time it was my turn to house our friends and we had a blast! The girls are so active and talkative that they wore each other out! Katie and I attended a huge consignment event and were able to have a little one-on-one time thanks to my awesome hubby! We both walked out with great deals and are already planning on going next time. It's amazing how months can go by with quick texts to check in and when we are together again, it's like no time has passed. I am forever thankful for the friendship I have with Katie Gaston, and even more thankful that our daughters are best friends and one day may be sisters like Katie and I. 

The only day I was really able to get pictures of them was the morning we went to the park. We have a park right across the street from our house, so we were able to walk there and burn some energy before eating lunch and laying down for nap!! The girls had so much fun!

 Sweet Friends holding hands
 Two Toddlers and open space... what could be better?
 Annie Lin
 Kinsey Brynn
Best Friends

Kinsey still asks for Annie when she gets up in the morning or when she's home from school. We can't wait until we see our friends again :)

Kinsey's love and mine,


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