Wednesday, October 10, 2012

7 month update!!

I can't believe I missed this update!! 

Sleep: We were out of town a lot of her 7th month so she didn't have the best sleeping patterns. She enjoyed sleeping in my bed while we were gone, so it was hard to transition her to sleeping back in her bed. Honestly I loved her sleeping in bed with me, but Michael doesn't sleep well so she had to go back to her bed. I also went back to school at the end up the month so I started changing her bedtime routine. This made bedtime a little rough a couple nights. She went back to nursing more often. Some nights I was up 5 or 6 times a night nursing her. Naps were still hit or miss, but about 3 or 4, 20 minute naps. 

Food: She still nursed every 3-4 hours during the day and pretty much whenever she woke up at night. She started onto stage 2 foods, 3 times a day. She eats a fruit at breakfast, a veggie at lunch, and a meat with veggies at dinner. She also really began feeding herself really well. She loved puffs and baby Mum mums! I broke them both into pieces because she would feed herself too many at one time.

Firsts: This month she took her first family vacation, sat up by herself, sat in a high chair at a restaurant, saw the Alamo, saw her first play, sat in the front of the cart at Target, stood up by herself, sat on her push car, and had her first September 11th. I'd say it was a big month for such a little girl!

Clothes: Still wearing some 0-3 months clothes. They are starting to get too short in the tops but shorts and dresses still fit pretty nicely. She is still sleeping in 6 month pajamas. She is beginning to wear 3-6 months and 6 months clothes. They are kind of big, but they fit in length. She is still in size 2 diapers and wears size 3 pampers overnights at night. 

Kinsey's love and mine,


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